

I have saved and been given a total of $700 to spend in Florence for the two weeks. So, how do I allocate this?
I just found out that United charges $25 to check a bag. So there goes $50.
Transportation to and from the Florence airport costs around $25. There goes another $50.
So for meals and gifts that leaves $600. That translates to $300/week. That translates to ~$40/day. That seems like a lot. I have a free breakfast at the hotel and a free meal Monday-Fridays with the cooking schools. I am bringing books with the idea of trading them at the used bookstore, so there will not be that normal expense.
I used to count every penny on trips. What will happen this time? It seems as though there is a surfeit of money. Will I be profligate? Gifts to buy ... belts, pictures, for me will be food. Will I eat a $40 meal?
Agh! I just found out that there are no money changers at either the Frankfurt airport or the Florence airport. I have just changed all of my spending money into $50 bills and realize that there are only ATM machines at every stop. Plus, debit cards are problematical according to one blog. So, what to do? There must be banks in downtown Florence ... we'll see.
Ah ... the Denver Airport has World Wide Money Exchange on Concourses A, B. I called them and they will be open until 8pm. The plane will arrive on Concourse B, then I leave with Lufthansa on Concourse A. Easy peasy.